Category: Pay

  • Vote NOW for Better Pay!

        Why you should vote YES for strike action… The offer is a real terms pay cut   – The pay offer just 1.8% (with lowest paid staff between 1.8 and 3.65%)   – Find out how much you have lost using our PAY CALCULATOR Our pay claim was much higher than the offer…

  • UNISON Consults on Final Pay Offer

    We have now received a "full and final" written pay offer from the national employers’ organisation the Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). The offer for 2016-17 follows pay talks between the employers and joint higher ed unions, and consists of: a 1.1% increase from 1 August for all staff covered by the higher education…

  • Branch Pay Offer Consultation 2017/18

    We have now received a "full and final" written pay offer from the national employers’ organisation the Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). The offer for 2017-18 follows pay talks between the employers and joint Higher Education unions, and consists of: a 1.7% increase from 1 August for all staff covered by the higher education…

  • We’re Worth More! Vote YES for Strike Action

    The University and Colleges Employers Association have made their final pay offer: a below-inflation pay rise of 3% for most Higher Education staff and between 9% and 3% for those on pay points 3 to 19. They didn’t offer any more during the dispute process and will now impose this pay increase on 1 August 2022.…

  • RGU Members Vote for Strike Action Over Pay

    Higher Education pay campaign and strike ballot 2022 – Results Members at both the University of Aberdeen and Robert Gordon University have overwhelmingly rejected the employer's pay offer this year. 79.2% of Robert Gordon University members who voted, voted to reject the pay offer, and more than half of UNISON members voted, meaning the vote…

  • RGU STRIKE Update – September 2022

    We had a great turnout on the picket lines for our first two days of strike action.  Rather than a long email, I though this time I'd do a short video update for you all – click here to watch it: Follow us on FACEBOOK – we'll continue to send updates from the picket lines…