Category: Information

  • Branch Charity Donations

    Branch Charity Donations

    The branch committee agreed to make three donations to charity this year on behalf of members. As part of our regular income and expenditure, the committee authorises donations when we have an expected surplus on our general expenditure. The three charities that have been selected are listed below. We have made a £750 donation to…

  • Thank You Julie

    Aberdeen Universities Branch bid a fond farewell to Julie Yackiminie as she stood down from her post as branch chair after many years of service to UNISON.  Colin Jones, UNISON Convener at the Robert Gordon University said, “I became involved in UNISON twenty years ago when Julie asked for people to help ‘give out leaflets’. …

  • Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023

    The Aberdeen Universities UNISON Branch would like to invite you to an event celebrating International Women's Day 2023.  Two talks by two women's rights activists who supported the women liberation movement in Aberdeen for many years. Wednesday March 8th 2023 at 12:30pm – 3pm Sir Duncan Rice Library, Lower Ground Seminar Room, Aberdeen, AB24 3AA…

  • Young Members Weekend 2015

    Last week over 100 young members in UNISON met in Nottingham for a "Young Members" weekend.  As you'll see from the video they shot, they had a great conference and entered into some excellent discussions and debates. Are you under 27 and wondering about joining UNISON?  Are you already a young member in UNISON and…

  • UNISON supports Jeremy Corbyn

    UNISON has decided to nominate Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party leadership contest and Yvette Cooper as its second choice at the union’s National Labour Link committee today (Wednesday). UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said:   “Jeremy Corbyn’s message has resonated with public sector workers who have suffered years of pay freezes, redundancies with too…

  • Branch Wins Scottish Communications Awards

    The branch has won two prizes in this year's UNISON Scottish Communications awards, with winners announced last weekend at UNISON's Scottish Council meeting. This year the branch submitted two entries, one for our relaunched printed newsletter sent out to members periodically.  This has been well received by members and we aim to continue to produce…

  • RGU Information Stands

    The local branch is setting up regular lunchtime UNISON information stands at RGU for you to come along and have a chat, find out about membership benefits – or direct your non-union colleagues to, if they want more information. We’ll then run them in different buildings on a monthly schedule: First Wednesday of the month:…

  • Don’t Leave It Too Late!

    Did you know that certain membership benefits are subject to a waiting period before you can take advantage of them? Although we will deal with new members' problems immediately, providing you with advice and support through the local network of stewards and contacts, if the problem is particularly complex, requires legal advice or support, or…

  • New UNISON Goodies

    As you may know, the branch was recently awarded a £1,500 grant to buy new UNISON goodies for new members and curre.  Well a lot of the new things have now started to arrive, so come along to one of our recruitment stalls.  Ask your local steward where the next one is, or contact us…

  • Protect The Right to Strike

    The Conservative Government's Trade Union Bill is a new set of laws that will severely restrict working peoples’ ability to organise for their own rights and campaign for a more progressive society. It will go through Parliament this Autumn and could be law by February 2016 and will apply in England, Scotland and Wales. UNISON…