Category: Branch
UNISON Annual General Meeting 2025
As previously notified, the branch Annual General Meeting will be held this year on the Robert Gordon University campus, on Wednesday 5th March 2025 from 12.00pm – 1.00pm. The meeting will be held in Room N204, Sir Iain Wood Building. The meeting can also be attended online via MS Teams (registration required). We hope to provide…
Branch Christmas Competition 2023 – RESULTS
The branch held our prize draw for our fantastic Christmas Competition today and we're pleased to announce we now have our prize winners for this year. Our prize draw was overseen by branch committee members, Colin Jones and Laura Benvie. The 1st Prize of an Apple iPad Air went to: Alexander Laing – Congratulations! This…
Branch Christmas Competition 2023
Once more we are running our fantastic Christmas Competition, which is open to members only for all our current UNISON members at both the Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen. This year, we have an amazing Apple iPad Air to win, and twenty lucky winners will receive a voucher code for £50, to…
Thank You Julie
Aberdeen Universities Branch bid a fond farewell to Julie Yackiminie as she stood down from her post as branch chair after many years of service to UNISON. Colin Jones, UNISON Convener at the Robert Gordon University said, “I became involved in UNISON twenty years ago when Julie asked for people to help ‘give out leaflets’. …
UNISON Annual General Meeting 2023
Details for the branch Annual General Meeting have now been announced. This will take place at RGU, Riverside Building room 118 this year, and will have a virtual option via zoom for those unable to attend in person. It will be a single AGM for UNISON members from both Universities, and all are invited to…
Branch Christmas Competition 2022 – RESULTS
The branch held our prize draw for our fantastic Christmas Competition yesterday and we're pleased to announce we now have our three prize winners and fourteen runners up for this year. This year we had Fifteen £50 Vouchers up for grabs! Our prize winners draw was overseen by branch committee members, Jim Florence, Shirley Cooper…
Branch Christmas Competition 2022
Once more we are running our fantastic Christmas Competition, which is open to members only for all our current UNISON members at both the Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen. This year, fifteen luck winners will receive a voucher code for £50, to use on any shopping vouchers they like from the love2shop…
Branch Christmas Competition 2016
Once more we are running our fantastic Christmas Competition, which is open to members only for all our current UNISON members at both the Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen. Prizes this year are an amazing Sony Playstation 4 1TB, with 3 games included and a £50 Amazon Voucher to expand your collection.…
Christmas Competition Winners Announced!
The branch held our prize draw for our fantastic Christmas Competition yesterday and we're pleased to announce we now have our five prize winners for this year. First prize this year was an amazing top of the range Amazon Kindle Voyage, with FREE 3G and Wi-fi and a £50 Voucher to get their e-book collection…
EU Referendum Consultation
The National Executive Council (NEC) has launched a consultation of UNISON Branches about the European Union (EU) Referendum taking place on 23rd June 2016. The information collected from the consultation will be used to assist the National Executive Council in taking any policy and campaign decisions on the EU referendum in the run up to…