Author: Colin Jones

  • HE Pay Update 2024/25

    HE Pay Update 2024/25

    The joint higher education trade unions have held a series of meetings with the university employers (UCEA) on the higher education pay offer for 2024/25. Following on from that, we’re getting in touch with everyone to let you know we will shortly be opening a consultation of members to get your views on the pay…

  • RGU Members Vote of No Confidence in University Executive

    RGU Members Vote of No Confidence in University Executive

    The RGU section of UNISON Aberdeen Universities branch has approved and submitted a formal statement of no confidence in the University Executive team, which has been delivered to the Principal, Prof. Steve Olivier. In a consultative ballot of members 93% of respondents voted in favour of submitting the statement. This decision reflects significant concerns among…

  • RGU Financial Transformation Consultation

    RGU Financial Transformation Consultation

    After the announcement on 28th March regarding the financial situation at RGU with a savings target of £18 million, the opening of a university-wide Voluntary Severance scheme with an intended reduction of between 180-220 staff, and the proposed restructure of schools and departments, UNISON will be entering into formal consultation with the University. If you…

  • UNISON Annual General Meeting 2024

    UNISON Annual General Meeting 2024

    This year’s AGM will take place at the University of Aberdeen, Sir Duncan Rice Library, room LG29, and will have a virtual option via MS Teams for those unable to attend in person.  It will be a single AGM for UNISON members from both Universities, and all are invited to attend at UofA.  If you…

  • Branch Christmas Competition 2023 – RESULTS

    The branch held our prize draw for our fantastic Christmas Competition today and we're pleased to announce we now have our prize winners for this year.  Our prize draw was overseen by branch committee members, Colin Jones and Laura Benvie. The 1st Prize of an Apple iPad Air went to: Alexander Laing – Congratulations! This…

  • Branch Christmas Competition 2023

    Once more we are running our fantastic Christmas Competition, which is open to members only for all our current UNISON members at both the Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen. This year, we have an amazing Apple iPad Air to win, and twenty lucky winners will receive a voucher code for £50, to…

  • Have you VOTED yet!? Vote YES for Better Pay!

    Pay talks with the University and Colleges Employers’ Association (UCEA) ended in impasse, rather than agreement. UCEA made their latest final pay offer for 2023-24 during the ACAS facilitated dispute resolution talks in February: another below-inflation pay rise. With RPI inflation at 13.8% in February 2023 and even CPI at 10.4%, like many other workers across…

  • Thank You Julie

    Aberdeen Universities Branch bid a fond farewell to Julie Yackiminie as she stood down from her post as branch chair after many years of service to UNISON.  Colin Jones, UNISON Convener at the Robert Gordon University said, “I became involved in UNISON twenty years ago when Julie asked for people to help ‘give out leaflets’. …

  • Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023

    The Aberdeen Universities UNISON Branch would like to invite you to an event celebrating International Women's Day 2023.  Two talks by two women's rights activists who supported the women liberation movement in Aberdeen for many years. Wednesday March 8th 2023 at 12:30pm – 3pm Sir Duncan Rice Library, Lower Ground Seminar Room, Aberdeen, AB24 3AA…

  • UNISON Annual General Meeting 2023

    Details for the branch Annual General Meeting have now been announced.  This will take place at RGU, Riverside Building room 118 this year, and will have a virtual option via zoom for those unable to attend in person.  It will be a single AGM for UNISON members from both Universities, and all are invited to…